
Your words are doing something. Do you know what that something is?

Humans are pattern-matching machines. As a species, it is our superpower. To summarize the core of my own epistemic philosophy, here is a brief list of the activities in the core main-loop of a human being:

  1. stuff happens to us
  2. we look for patterns in the stuff
  3. we weave those patterns into narratives
  4. we turn the narratives into models of the world
  5. we predict what will happen based on those models
  6. we do stuff based on those predictions
  7. based on the stuff we did, more stuff happens to us; return to step 1

While this ability lets humans do lots of great stuff, like math and physics and agriculture and so on, we can just as easily build bad stories and bad models. We can easily trick ourselves into thinking that our predictive abilities are more powerful than they are.

The existence of magic-seeming levels of prediction in fields like chemistry and physics and statistics, in addition to the practical usefulness of rough estimates and heuristics in daily life, itself easily creates a misleading pattern. “I see all these patterns and make all these predictions and I’m right a lot of the time, so if I just kind of wing it and predict some more stuff, I’ll also be right about that stuff.”

This leaves us very vulnerable to things like mean world syndrome. Mean world syndrome itself is specifically about danger, but I believe it is a manifestation of an even broader phenomenon which I would term “the apophenia of despair”.

Confirmation bias is an inherent part of human cognition, but the internet has turbocharged it. Humans have immediate access to more information than we ever had in the past. In order to cope with that information, we have also built ways to filter that information. Even disregarding things like algorithmic engagement maximization and social media filter bubbles, the simple fact that when you search for things, you are a lot more likely to find the thing that you’re searching for than to find arguments refuting it, can provide a very strong sense that you’re right about whatever you’re researching.

All of this is to say: if you decide that something in the world is getting worse, you can very easily convince yourself that it is getting much, much worse, very rapidly. Especially because there are things which are, unambiguously, getting worse.

However, Pollyanna-ism is just the same phenomenon in reverse and I don’t want to engage in that. The ice sheets really are melting, globally, fascism really is on the rise. I am not here to deny reality or to cherry pick a bunch of statistics to lull people into complacency.

I believe that while dwelling on a negative reality is bad, I also believe that in the face of constant denial, it is sometimes necessary to simply emphasize those realities, however unpleasant they may be. Distinguishing between unhelpful rumination on negativity and repetition of an unfortunate but important truth to correct popular perception is subjective and subtle, but the difference is nevertheless important.

As our ability to acquire information about things getting worse has grown, our ability to affect those things has not. Knowledge is not power; power is power, and most of us don’t have a lot of it, so we need to be strategic in the way that we deploy our limited political capital and personal energy.

Overexposure to negative news can cause symptoms of depression; depressed people have reduced executive function and find it harder to do stuff. One of the most effective interventions against this general feeling of malaise? Hope.. Not “hope” in the sense of wishing. As this article in the American Psychological Association’s “Monitor on Psychology” puts it:

“We often use the word ‘hope’ in place of wishing, like you hope it rains today or you hope someone’s well,” said Chan Hellman, PhD, a professor of psychology and founding director of the Hope Research Center at the University of Oklahoma. “But wishing is passive toward a goal, and hope is about taking action toward it.”

Here, finally, I can get around to my point.

If you have an audience, and you have some negative thoughts about some social trend, talking about it in a way which is vague and non-actionable is potentially quite harmful. If you are doing this, you are engaged in the political project of robbing a large number of people of hope. You are saying that the best should have less conviction, while the worst will surely remain just as full of passionate intensity.

I do not mean to say that it is unacceptable to ever publicly share thoughts of sadness, or even hopelessness. If everyone in public is forced to always put on a plastic smile and pretend that everything is going to be okay if we have grit and determination, then we have an Instagram culture of fake highlight reels where anyone having their own struggles with hopelessness will just feel even worse in their isolation. I certainly posted my way through my fair share of pretty bleak mental health issues during the worst of the pandemic.

But we should recognize that while sadness is a feeling, hopelessness is a problem, a bad reaction to that feeling, one that needs to be addressed if we are going to collectively dig ourselves out of the problem that creates the sadness in the first place. We may not be able to conjure hope all the time, but we should always be trying.

When we try to address these feelings, as I said earlier, Pollyanna-ism doesn’t help. The antidote to hopelessness is not optimism, but curiosity. If you have a strong thought like “people these days just don’t care about other people1”, yelling “YES THEY DO” at yourself (or worse, your audience) is unlikely to make much of a change, and certainly not likely to be convincing to an audience. Instead, you could ask yourself some questions, and use them for a jumping-off point for some research:

  1. Why do I think this — is the problem in my perception, or in the world?
  2. If there is a problem in my perception, is this a common misperception? If it’s common, what is leading to it being common? If it’s unique to me, what sort of work do I need to do to correct it?
  3. If the problem is real, what are its causes? Is there anything that I, or my audience, could do to address those causes?

The answers to these questions also inform step 6 of the process I outlined above: the doing stuff part of the process.

At some level, all communication is persuasive communication. Everything you say that another person might hear, everything you say that a person might hear, is part of a sprachspiel where you are attempting to achieve something. There is always an implied call to action; even “do nothing, accept the status quo” is itself an action. My call to action right now is to ask you to never make your call to action “you should feel bad, and you should feel bad about feeling bad”. When you communicate in public, your words have power.

Use that power for good.


Thank you to my patrons who are supporting my writing on this blog. If you like what you’ve read here and you’d like to read more of it, or you’d like to support my various open-source endeavors, you can support my work as a sponsor! Special thanks also to Cassandra Granade, who provided some editorial feedback on this post; any errors, of course, remain my own.

  1. I should also note that vague sentiments of this form, “things used to be better, now they’re getting worse”, are at their core a reactionary yearning for a prelapsarian past, which is both not a good look and also often wrong in a very common way. Complaining about how “people” are getting worse is a very short journey away from complaining about kids these days, which has a long and embarrassing history of being comprehensively incorrect in every era. 

Software Needs To Be More Expensive

Software, like coffee, is too artificially cheap, and we need to make it more expensive. I have one suggestion for how to do that.

The Cost of Coffee

One of the ideas that James Hoffmann — probably the most influential… influencer in the coffee industry — works hard to popularize is that “coffee needs to be more expensive”.

The coffee industry is famously exploitative. Despite relatively thin margins for independent café owners1, there are no shortage of horrific stories about labor exploitation and even slavery in the coffee supply chain.

To summarize a point that Mr. Hoffman has made over a quite long series of videos and interviews2, some of this can be fixed by regulatory efforts. Enforcement of supply chain policies both by manufacturers and governments can help spot and avoid this type of exploitation. Some of it can be fixed by discernment on the part of consumers. You can try to buy fair-trade coffee, avoid brands that you know have problematic supply-chain histories.

Ultimately, though, even if there is perfect, universal, zero-cost enforcement of supply chain integrity… consumers still have to be willing to, you know, pay more for the coffee. It costs more to pay wages than to have slaves.

The Price of Software

The problem with the coffee supply chain deserves your attention in its own right. I don’t mean to claim that the problems of open source maintainers are as severe as those of literal child slaves. But the principle is the same.

Every tech company uses huge amounts of open source software, which they get for free.

I do not want to argue that this is straightforwardly exploitation. There is a complex bargain here for the open source maintainers: if you create open source software, you can get a job more easily. If you create open source infrastructure, you can make choices about the architecture of your projects which are more long-term sustainable from a technology perspective, but would be harder to justify on a shorter-term commercial development schedule. You can collaborate with a wider group across the industry. You can build your personal brand.

But, in light of the recent xz Utils / SSH backdoor scandal, it is clear that while the bargain may not be entirely one-sided, it is not symmetrical, and significant bad consequences may result, both for the maintainers themselves and for society.

To fix this problem, open source software needs to get more expensive.

A big part of the appeal of open source is its implicit permission structure, which derives both from its zero up-front cost and its zero marginal cost.

The zero up-front cost means that you can just get it to try it out. In many companies, individual software developers do not have the authority to write a purchase order, or even a corporate credit card for small expenses.

If you are a software engineer and you need a new development tool or a new library that you want to purchase for work, it can be a maze of bureaucratic confusion in order to get that approved. It might be possible, but you are likely to get strange looks, and someone, probably your manager, is quite likely to say “isn’t there a free option for this?” At worst, it might just be impossible.

This makes sense. Dealing with purchase orders and reimbursement requests is annoying, and it only feels worth the overhead if you’re dealing with a large enough block of functionality that it is worth it for an entire team, or better yet an org, to adopt. This means that most of the purchasing is done by management types or “architects”, who are empowered to make decisions for larger groups.

When individual engineers need to solve a problem, they look at open source libraries and tools specifically because it’s quick and easy to incorporate them in a pull request, where a proprietary solution might be tedious and expensive.

That’s assuming that a proprietary solution to your problem even exists. In the infrastructure sector of the software economy, free options from your operating system provider (Apple, Microsoft, maybe Amazon if you’re in the cloud) and open source developers, small commercial options have been marginalized or outright destroyed by zero-cost options, for this reason.

If the zero up-front cost is a paperwork-reduction benefit, then the zero marginal cost is almost a requirement. One of the perennial complaints of open source maintainers is that companies take our stuff, build it into a product, and then make a zillion dollars and give us nothing. It seems fair that they’d give us some kind of royalty, right? Some tiny fraction of that windfall? But once you realize that individual developers don’t have the authority to put $50 on a corporate card to buy a tool, they super don’t have the authority to make a technical decision that encumbers the intellectual property of their entire core product to give some fraction of the company’s revenue away to a third party. Structurally, there’s no way that this will ever happen.

Despite these impediments, keeping those dependencies maintained does cost money.

Some Solutions Already Exist

There are various official channels developing to help support the maintenance of critical infrastructure. If you work at a big company, you should probably have a corporate Tidelift subscription. Maybe ask your employer about that.

But, as they will readily admit there are a LOT of projects that even Tidelift cannot cover, with no official commercial support, and no practical way to offer it in the short term. Individual maintainers, like yours truly, trying to figure out how to maintain their projects, either by making a living from them or incorporating them into our jobs somehow. People with a Ko-Fi or a Patreon, or maybe just an Amazon wish-list to let you say “thanks” for occasional maintenance work.

Most importantly, there’s no path for them to transition to actually making a living from their maintenance work. For most maintainers, Tidelift pays a sub-hobbyist amount of money, and even setting it up (and GitHub Sponsors, etc) is a huge hassle. So even making the transition from “no income” to “a little bit of side-hustle income” may be prohibitively bureaucratic.

Let’s take myself as an example. If you’re a developer who is nominally profiting from my infrastructure work in your own career, there is a very strong chance that you are also a contributor to the open source commons, and perhaps you’ve even contributed more to that commons than I have, contributed more to my own career success than I have to yours. I can ask you to pay me3, but really you shouldn’t be paying me, your employer should.

What To Do Now: Make It Easy To Just Pay Money

So if we just need to give open source maintainers more money, and it’s really the employers who ought to be giving it, then what can we do?

Let’s not make it complicated. Employers should just give maintainers money. Let’s call it the “JGMM” benefit.

Specifically, every employer of software engineers should immediately institute the following benefits program: each software engineer should have a monthly discretionary budget of $50 to distribute to whatever open source dependency developers they want, in whatever way they see fit. Venmo, Patreon, PayPal, Kickstarter, GitHub Sponsors, whatever, it doesn’t matter. Put it on a corp card, put the project name on the line item, and forget about it. It’s only for open source maintenance, but it’s a small enough amount that you don’t need intense levels of approval-gating process. You can do it on the honor system.

This preserves zero up-front cost. To start using a dependency, you still just use it4. It also preserves zero marginal cost: your developers choose which dependencies to support based on perceived need and popularity. It’s a fixed overhead which doesn’t scale with revenue or with profit, just headcount.

Because the whole point here is to match the easy, implicit, no-process, no-controls way in which dependencies can be added in most companies. It should be easier to pay these small tips than it is to use the software in the first place.

This sub-1% overhead to your staffing costs will massively de-risk the open source projects you use. By leaving the discretion up to your engineers, you will end up supporting those projects which are really struggling and which your executives won’t even hear about until they end up on the news. Some of it will go to projects that you don’t use, things that your engineers find fascinating and want to use one day but don’t yet depend upon, but that’s fine too. Consider it an extremely cheap, efficient R&D expense.

A lot of the options for developers to support open source infrastructure are already tax-deductible, so if they contribute to something like one of the PSF’s fiscal sponsorees, it’s probably even more tax-advantaged than a regular business expense.

I also strongly suspect that if you’re one of the first employers to do this, you can get a round of really positive PR out of the tech press, and attract engineers, so, the race is on. I don’t really count as the “tech press” but nevertheless drop me a line to let me know if your company ends up doing this so I can shout you out.


Thank you to my patrons who are supporting my writing on this blog. If you like what you’ve read here and you’d like to read more of it, or you’d like to support my various open-source endeavors, you can support my work as a sponsor! I am also available for consulting work if you think your organization could benefit from expertise on topics such as “How do I figure out which open source projects to give money to?”.

  1. I don’t have time to get into the margins for Starbucks and friends, their relationship with labor, economies of scale, etc. 

  2. While this is a theme that pervades much of his work, the only place I can easily find where he says it in so many words is on a podcast that sometimes also promotes right-wing weirdos and pseudo-scientific quacks spreading misinformation about autism and ADHD. So, I obviously don’t want to link to them; you’ll have to take my word for it. 

  3. and I will, since as I just recently wrote about, I need to make sure that people are at least aware of the option 

  4. Pending whatever legal approval program you have in place to vet the license. You do have a nice streamlined legal approvals process, right? You’re not just putting WTFPL software into production, are you? 

The Hat

If you want me to keep doing… whatever this is… now’s the time to support it!

This year I will be going to two conferences: PyCon 2024, and North Bay Python 2024.

At PyCon, I will be promoting my open source work and my writing on this blog. As I’m not giving a talk this year, I am looking forward to organizing and participating in some open spaces about topics like software architecture, open source sustainability, framework interoperability, and event-driven programming.

At North Bay Python, though, I will either be:

  1. doing a lot more of that, or
  2. looking for new full-time employment, pausing the patreon, and winding down this experiment.

If you’d like to see me doing the former, now would be a great time to sign up to my Patreon to support the continuation of my independent open source work and writing.

The Bad News

It has been nearly a year since I first mentioned that I have a Patreon on this blog. That year has been a busy one, with consulting work and personal stuff consuming more than enough time that I have never been full time on independent coding & blogging. As such, I’ve focused more on small infrastructure projects and less on user-facing apps than I’d like, but I have spent the plurality of my time on it.

For that to continue, let alone increase, this work needs to—at the very least—pay for health insurance. At my current consulting rate, a conservative estimate based on some time tracking is that I am currently doing this work at something like a 98.5% discount. I do love doing it! I would be happy to continue doing it at a significant discount! But “significant” and “catastrophic” are different thresholds.

As I have said previously, this is an appeal to support my independent work; not to support me. I will be fine; what you will be voting for with your wallet is not my well-being but a choice about where I spend my time.

Hiding The Hat

When people ask me what I do these days, I sometimes struggle to explain. It is confusing. I might say I have a Patreon, I do a combination of independent work and consulting, or if I’m feeling particularly sarcastic I might say I’m an ✨influencer✨. But recently I saw the very inspiring Matt Ricardo describing the way he thinks about his own Patreon, and I realized what I am actually trying to do, which is software development busking.

Previously, when I’ve been thinking about making this “okay, it’s been a year of Patreon, let’s get serious now” post, I’ve been thinking about adding more reward products to my Patreon, trying to give people better value for their money before asking for anything more, trying to finish more projects to make a better sales pitch, maybe making merch available for sale, and so on. So aside from irregular weekly posts on Friday and acknowledgments sections at the bottom of blog posts, I’ve avoided mentioning this while I think about adding more private rewards.

But busking is a public performance, and if you want to support my work then it is that public aspect that you presumably want to support. And thus, an important part of the busking process is to actually pass the hat at the end. The people who don’t chip in still get to see the performance, but everyone else need to know that they can contribute if they liked it.1

I’m going to try to stop hiding the metaphorical hat. I still don’t want to overdo it, but I will trust that you’ll tell me if these reminders get annoying. For my part today, in addition to this post, I’m opening up a new $10 tier on Patreon for people who want to provide a higher level of support, and officially acknowledging the rewards that I already provide.

What’s The Deal?

So, what would you be supporting?

What You Give (The Public Part)

  1. I have tended to focus on my software, and there has been a lot of it! You’d be supporting me writing libraries and applications and build infrastructure to help others do the same with Python, as well as maintaining existing libraries (like the Twisted ecosystem libraries) sometimes. If I can get enough support together to more than bare support for myself, I’d really like to be able to do things like pay people to others to help with aspects of applications that I would struggle to complete myself, like accessibility or security audits.
  2. I also do quite a bit of writing though, about software and about other things. To make it easier to see what sort of writing I’m talking about, I’ve collected just the stuff that I’ve written during the period where I have had some patrons, under the supported tag.
  3. Per my earlier sarcastic comment about being an “influencer”, I also do quite a bit of posting on Mastodon about software and the tech industry.

What You Get (Just For Patrons)

As I said above, I will be keeping member benefits somewhat minimal.

  1. I will add you to SponCom so that your name will be embedded in commit messages like this one on a cadence appropriate to your support level.
  2. You will get access to my private Patreon posts where I discuss what I’ve been working on. As one of my existing patrons put it:

    I figure I’m getting pretty good return on it, getting not only targeted project tracking, but also a peek inside your head when it comes to Sores Business Development. Maybe some of that stuff will rub off on me :)

  3. This is a somewhat vague and noncommittal benefit, but it might be the best one: if you are interested in the various different projects that I am doing, you can help me prioritize! I have a lot of things going on. What would you prefer that I focus on? You can make suggestions in the comments of Patreon posts, which I pay a lot more attention to than other feedback channels.
  4. In the near future2 I am also planning to start doing some “office hours” type live-streaming, where I will take audience questions and discuss software design topics, or maybe do some live development to showcase my process and the tools I use. When I figure out the mechanics of this, I plan to add some rewards to the existing tiers to select topics or problems for me to work on there.

If that sounds like a good deal to you, please sign up now. If you’re already supporting me, sharing this and giving a brief testimonial of something good I’ve done would be really helpful. Github is not an algorithmic platform like YouTube, despite my occasional jokey “remember to like and subscribe”, nobody is getting recommended DBXS, or Fritter, or Twisted, or Automat, or this blog unless someone goes out and shares it.

  1. A year into this, after what feels like endlessly repeating this sales pitch to the point of obnoxiousness, I still routinely interact with people who do not realize that I have a Patreon at all. 

  2. Not quite comfortable putting this on the official patreon itemized inventory of rewards yet, but I do plan to add it once I’ve managed to stream for a couple of weeks in a row. 

DBXS 0.1.0

Today there is a new release of my database access and query organizer library with support for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and asyncio.

New Release

Yesterday I published a new release of DBXS for you all. It’s still ZeroVer, but it has graduated from double-ZeroVer as this is the first nonzero minor version.

More to the point though, the meaning of that version increment this version introduces some critical features that I think most people would need to give it a spin on a hobby project.

What’s New

  • It has support for MySQL and PostgreSQL using native asyncio drivers, which means you don’t need to take a Twisted dependency in production.

  • While Twisted is still used for some of the testing internals, Deferred is no longer exposed anywhere in the public API, either; your tests can happily pretend that they’re doing asyncio, as long as they can run against SQLite.

  • There is a new repository convenience function that automatically wires together multiple accessors and transaction discipline. Have a look at the docstring for a sense of how to use it.

  • Several papercuts, like confusing error messages when messing up query result handling, and lack of proper handling of default arguments in access protocols, are now addressed.

It’s A Good Time To Contribute!

If you’ve been looking for an open source project to try your hand at contributing to, DBXS might be a great opportunity, for a few reasons:

  1. The team is quite small (just me, right now!), so it’s easy to get involved.

  2. It’s quite generally useful, so there’s a potential for an audience, but right now it doesn’t really have any production users; there’s still time to change things without a lot of ceremony.

  3. Unlike many other small starter projects, it’s got a test suite with 100% coverage, so you can contribute with confidence that you’re not breaking anything.

  4. There’s not that much code (a bit over 2 thousand SLOC), so it’s not hard to get your head around.

  5. There are a few obvious next steps for improvement, which I’ve filed as issues if you want to pick one up.

Share and enjoy, and please let me know if you do something fun with it.


Thank you to my patrons who are supporting my writing on this blog. If you like what you’ve read here and you’d like to read more of it, or you’d like to support my various open-source endeavors, you can support my work as a sponsor! I am also available for consulting work if you think your organization could benefit from expertise on topics such as “How do I shot SQL?”.

Let Me Tell You A Secret

In which I provide you with hundreds of dollars worth of software consulting, for free, in a single blog post.

I do consulting1 on software architecture, network protocol development, python software infrastructure, streamlined cloud deployment, and open source strategy, among other nerdy things. I enjoy solving challenging, complex technical problems or contributing to the open source commons. On the best jobs, I get to do both.

Today I would like to share with you a secret of the software technology consulting trade.

I should note that this secret is not specific to me. I have several colleagues who have also done software consulting and have reflected versions of this experience back to me.2

We’ll get to the secret itself in a moment, but first, some background.

Companies do not go looking for consulting when things are going great. This is particularly true when looking for high-level consulting on things like system architecture or strategy. Almost by definition, there’s a problem that I have been brought in to solve. Ideally, that problem is a technical challenge.

In the software industry, your team probably already has some software professionals with a variety of technical skills, and thus they know what to do with technical challenges. Which means that, as often as not, the problem is to do with people rather than technology, even it appears otherwise.

When you hire a staff-level professional like myself to address your software team’s general problems, that consultant will need to gather some information. If I am that consultant and I start to suspect that the purported technology problem that you’ve got is in fact a people problem, here is the secret technique that I am going to use:

I am going to go get a pen and a pad of paper, then schedule a 90-minute meeting with the most senior IC3 engineer that you have on your team. I will bring that pen and paper to the meeting. I will then ask one question:

What is fucked up about this place?

I will then write down their response in as much detail as I can manage. If I have begun to suspect that this meeting is necessary, 90 minutes is typically not enough time, and I will struggle to keep up. Even so, I will usually manage to capture the highlights.

One week later, I will schedule a meeting with executive leadership, and during that meeting, I will read back a very lightly edited4 version of the transcript of the previous meeting. This is then routinely praised as a keen strategic insight.

I should pause here to explicitly note that — obviously, I hope — this is not an oblique reference to any current or even recent client; if I’d had this meeting recently it would be pretty awkward to answer that “so, I read your blog…” email.5 But talking about clients in this way, no matter how obfuscated and vague the description, is always a bit professionally risky. So why risk it?

The thing is, I’m not a people manager. While I can do this kind of work, and I do not begrudge doing it if it is the thing that needs doing, I find it stressful and unfulfilling. I am a technology guy, not a people person. This is generally true of people who elect to go into technology consulting; we know where the management track is, and we didn’t pick it.

If you are going to hire me for my highly specialized technical expertise, I want you to get the maximum value out of it. I know my value; my rates are not low, and I do not want clients to come away with the sense that I only had a couple of “obvious” meetings.

So the intended audience for this piece is potential clients, leaders of teams (or organizations, or companies) who have a general technology problem and are wondering if they need a consultant with my skill-set to help them fix it. Before you decide that your issue is the need to implement a complex distributed system consensus algorithm, check if that is really what’s at issue. Talk to your ICs, and — taking care to make sure they understand that you want honest feedback and that they are safe to offer it — ask them what problems your organization has.

During this meeting it is important to only listen. Especially if you’re at a small company and you are regularly involved in the day-to-day operations, you might feel immediately defensive. Sit with that feeling, and process it later. Don’t unload your emotional state on an employee you have power over.6

“Only listening” doesn’t exclusively mean “don’t push back”. You also shouldn’t be committing to fixing anything. While the information you are gathering in these meetings is extremely valuable, and you should probably act on more of it than you will initially want to, your ICs won’t have the full picture. They really may not understand why certain priorities are set the way they are. You’ll need to take that as feedback for improving internal comms rather than “fixing” the perceived problem, and you certainly don’t want to make empty promises.

If you have these conversations directly, you can get something from it that no consultant can offer you: credibility. If you can actively listen, the conversation alone can improve morale. People like having their concerns heard. If, better still, you manage to make meaningful changes to address the concerns you’ve heard about, you can inspire true respect.

As a consultant, I’m going to be seen as some random guy wasting their time with a meeting. Even if you make the changes I recommend, it won’t resonate the same way as someone remembering that they personally told you what was wrong, and you took it seriously and fixed it.

Once you know what the problems are with your organization, and you’ve got solid technical understanding that you really do need that event-driven distributed systems consensus algorithm implemented using Twisted, I’m absolutely your guy. Feel free to get in touch.

  1. While I immensely value my patrons support and am eternally grateful for their support, at — as of this writing — less than $100 per month it doesn’t exactly pay the SF bay area cost-of-living bill. 

  2. When I reached out for feedback on a draft of this essay, every other consultant I showed it to said that something similar had happened to them within the last month, all with different clients in different sectors of the industry. I really cannot stress how common it is. 

  3. “individual contributor”, if this bit of jargon isn’t universal in your corner of the world; i.e.: “not a manager”. 

  4. Mostly, I need to remove a bunch of profanity, but sometimes I will also need to have another interview, usually with a more junior person on the team to confirm that I’m not relaying only a single person’s perspective. It is pretty rare that the top-of-mind problems are specific to one individual, though. 

  5. To the extent that this is about anything saliently recent, I am perhaps grumbling about how tech CEOs aren’t taking morale problems generated by the constant drumbeat of layoffs seriously enough

  6. I am not always in the role of a consultant. At various points in my career, I have also been a leader needing to sit in this particular chair, and believe me, I know it sucks. This would not be a common problem if there weren’t a common reason that leaders tend to avoid this kind of meeting.