The week of work in NY that followed was also hugely productive. I didn't quite catch up to where I should be, but got very close.
As some of you have noticed, I've been scarce the last few days.
Once there, the next morning, she was treated with a procedure that involved inserting a coil into her brain to block off the blood flow leaking. Counter-intuitively, this was relatively noninvasive, and it did not involve opening up her head. The procedure was successful. However, it appears that some additional blood leaked into her brain - possibly because of the unusually strong reaction of asians to anti-coagulants, which the doctor may not have known about.
Now, she appears to be in relatively stable condition, but she is having some trouble moving the right side of her body, responding slightly slower than normal, and having a little trouble speaking. She also didn't quite recognize who I was today, and spoke to me in chinese. It is reasonable to believe this is all because of the sedatives and anesthetics that she was given for the surgery, and we are hoping that's what it is at this point.
Mrs. Li is at St. Vincent Hospital in Manhattan. I've been fulfilling my boyfriendly duties as chauffer and gopher. Ying's cousin Yang* and his wife have graciously provided us with lodging at their house on Staten Island.
* I'm not making this up, though their names are completely different from the words for "Yin" and "Yang" in chinese.