PC programmers originally wrote programs for DOS. It was simple. It was
direct. A program could do whatever it wanted. It could write directly to
video memory, it controlled the whole screen.
Later PC programmers had to learn to write programs for Windows. At first,
that was a big pain. The Windows API, even Win16, is hundreds of times more
complex than the DOS "API", if you could even say it had one. Applications
had to be changed so that their UIs behaved like Windows did, rather than
what was "best" for their application domain. Most programs had to abandon
their crazy key-bindings to make room for C-c and C-v to mean "copy" and
"paste". (Even we geeks only have room in our hearts for one or two sets of crazy key bindings.)
Browsers are today's "video memory"; applications put information wherever
they want, with no user-interface conventions that aren't enforced by the
browser itself. There is no operating system for the web, no mechanism to
make different applications play nicely together on a single server, let
alone on a single page. The web is in need of a major shift.
Many would have you believe that "Web 2.0" - AJAX and such - is this shift.
"Web 2.0", insofar as I can tell that it refers to anything concrete, is the
idea that web applications should respond to the user interactively. This is
something that applications have been doing even before DOS; it is not a new
idea, and in a sense, it is only the web playing catch-up in an area where
desktop applications have long been the clear winner.
What I want to know is, where is the integration paradigm? Where is the
clipboard for the web?
I think that whatever answers this question will rightly deserve the moniker
"Web 3.0". It will be providing a leap forward over non-web applications
which will really be worth something, and hopefully won't be worthy of
derision at the hands of industry pundits.
Web 3.0 is going to come with a price, though. By way of an analogy: DOS
developers didn't understand the value of Windows programming at first. They
objected: Windows is slow. It's ugly. The UIs are boring and everything
looks the same. It takes too much memory. Why couldn't they just use DOS
like they used to?
Today's web frameworks are generally more like DOS than like Windows, in
this respect. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean they're bad: DOS was a
huge step up from its predecessor, which was, basically, "you have
to write DOS yourself in every application". The "Web 2.0" frameworks I'm
familiar with: Rails, Seaside, Subway, Django, and TurboGears are geared (no pun intended) towards
providing those parts of your application that you'd have to write yourself,
if they weren't provided. They are sometimes libraries, sometimes
frameworks, but their purpose is to provide you with a quick path to
development and make your application interactive. They aren't really geared
towards providing a context in which your application can communicate with
other applications.
The infrastructure Divmod is building, we hope, will provide some of the
imposed structure that has thus far been lacking on the web. The first step,
by way of Mantissa, and
our recent work on the "Offering" system, is to provide a way for
multiple installed applications to be easily installed on the same website,
an idea that Zope, among
others, pioneered with some success. That's the front-end, the
Windows-1.0 phase. Later, we hope to build clustering and inter-application
remote integration with Vertex, the "networking" and
"multitasking" that came with Windows 95, following in that same
Let's escape the metaphor for a second. The concrete features we want to
provide will be things like: You want to write a social network application.
Social networks implicitly use telephones and email. With Divmod's framework
you can (in the future, when we have finished these systems) write an
application as a set of plug-ins which will be activated by the Address Book
page, the "Email Inbox" page, and the "Place Call" page from our VoIP
application. You can automatically create To-Do items for the user's
existing task-tracker. Similarly, if you provide appropriate plug-in
interfaces (which the system does make pretty easy and idiomatic)
In the process of writing this essay, I discovered that wikipedia
says others are already speculating about Web 3.0 and with similar
ideas. It will be distributed, it will be decentralized, it will involve
connections within and between web services.
So, how does this all relate to Divmod? What could we hope to gain by
providing this kind of technology, especially by giving it all away for
free? I'll explain the part of our business model that this impacts, because
I am personally always suspicious of people telling me of great stuff
they'll do for me without an idea of how it's helping them.
To start with, we have a lot of different ideas for applications, and we
want to make sure they can all inter-operate. All the standard reasons for
using open source apply - making bugs shallow with more eyeballs, etc - and
we also want to make sure that as we're focusing on our first few uses we
are preparing for a broader and broader use of our technology, and what
better way to do that than by having other people with other use-cases take
a look at it.
We have another reason too, though. Once we're done with all of our ideas
for applications, (and by all that is good and holy in this world, one
day we will be done!) we want to step back and allow the service to
keep growing through the contributions of our users, and eventually
compensate those contributors who provide us with useful code. Taking a page from Red
Hat's book, rather than attempt to sell a commodity into a market, we
want to define a market for "web 3.0" products, and then be the
market leader and provide a marketplace for good products, rather than
simply sell our own.
By providing a structure that will allow lots of different applications to
be installed on the same site, we provide a way for independent developers
to provide us with applications that can be run together on our site. We can
then run all those applications through our account management system and
make it easy for those developers to get compensated based on usage patterns
and that sort of thing. Of course, any applications we're going to run on
our cluster will have to be licensed as open source so that we can have the
same expectation the developer does: we won't sue them for using our stuff,
they won't sue us for using theirs.
In other words, we're trying to leverage this technology shift to make a way
for hackers to get rich writing open source software, without going through
the process of starting a startup.