Looks like I'll be going to PyCon after all

Monday December 17, 2007
Ying and I had been planning to have our wedding on the 11th anniversary of our first date: on march 15th, 2008.  I've told a few people about our plans, although invitations haven't gone out yet.

However, we're going to have to delay our plans.  In addition to the usual logistical issues and scheduling conflicts, one thing we didn't count on was that planners tend to be exceptionally busy during the holiday season and couldn't really return our calls.

I'll let you all know as soon as I can when the new date is, but we don't want to set one until we're sure that we can actually make sure the plans will happen on time.  I appreciate all the offers of help — and believe me, we will call all of you with favors when the time comes — but we can't really wait any faster, no matter how much help we have ;).