In case you haven't heard through some other
channel already, Twisted 8
is out.
In addition to numerous fixes and features, this release also includes a new
release system for Twisted itself; this (hopefully) means that we won't have
another year-long release drought. We're planning to do another
release in less than 3 months.
This means that new Twisted features will be available faster, but it also
means that if you're writing some software that uses Twisted, upgrade
now! We try very hard to make sure that each new release is
compatible with the one that comes before it, so that your upgrade
should be painless. Especially if you have good unit tests.
However, this compatibility doesn't extend infinitely. There are at
least a few twisted developers who would
really like to drop some of our years of
accumulated cruft and break compatibility with older versions.
If you upgrade now, your migration process will be gradually fixing a few
deprecation warnings. If you wait for 3 or 4 more minor releases,
upgrading all at once will mean that anything which has changed will start
off broken, and your tests might not even run until you've fixed a bunch of
Of course, by "will", I mean "should" - we're not perfect, but we'll fix
upgrade issues in micro releases if you find them and report them.